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Don't be limited by daylight and fly aircraft at night


Course Overview

Don’t be limited by daylight and undertake a night rating with us. After 5 hours of training you’ll be fully qualified to fly at night, which will widen your capabilities as well as allow you to enjoy impressive night views from the air.

We’ll train you in navigation, airport and emergency procedures making sure you’re fully qualified for your flying.

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Time and hours



total flight time

take-offs & landings

solo take-offs and landings


dual instruction time


cross-country navigation


£ 1,170

£20 landing fee/touch and go.
1 hour of ground school priced at £60, delivered in person during training.
Plus £10/hour when training with EASA license.

If students choose to fly in any of our other aircraft then the price would be adjusted accordingly.

Course Syllabus

Ground Training

Night operations
Night visual circuits
Night navigation
Night emergencies

Safety training
Flying at night in a single engine aircraft poses greater risk than during daylight hours; consequently, the following factors are considered before operating at night:

i Risk of adverse weather, e.g. fog
ii Suitability of landing sites
iii Terrain
iv Pilot currency
v Radio failure procedures
vi Availability of alternate airfields

Before each flight a briefing takes place covering emergency procedures.

Covered Exercises

  • Exercise 20 Night Emergencies.
  • Action in the event of fire in the air and on the ground, engine cabin and electrical.
  • Systems failures as applicable to class.
  • Radio failure.
  • Failure of runway lighting.
  • Failure of aeroplane landing lights.
  • Failure of aeroplane internal lighting.
  • Failure of aeroplane navigation lights.
  • Total electrical failure.
  • Abandoned take-off.
  • Engine failure.
  • Obstructed runway procedure.

Ready to fly with us?

Contact us and start your Night course with us today!

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Fowlmere Airfield,
Fowlmere, SG8 7SH

It's much easier if you email us rather than telephone.

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